16 — Fred Fortune Does Off-Color Comedy

16 — Fred Fortune Does Off-Color Comedy

Intergalactic felon and homeless grifter Fred Fortune hasn't written a blog post since April 23, 2012 and he hasn't made a video since January 2013 when he tried to "make a statement" from somewhere out there. His blog has been under the control of person(s) unknown who've kept it "live" and up-and-running as a part-time digital art gallery. It sure beats wading through those ad-infested online news sites or trying to fetch TV listings in a pop-war war zone. So it does.


Most of us know that Fred Fortune made his nightclub debut at the Red Room in underground Cydonia, Mars, in April 2012, a routine that went viral (so he says) and eventually garnered him his own page at Retro Comic Spotlight. And, just when we thought Fred Fortune was either dead or lost in cyberspace, person(s) unknown posted his latest comedy video in his absence. This is it. That's right, ex-Los Angeles hobo and former Martian homeless comic Fred Fortune became this black-and-white cartoon character in The Fourth Dimension. Don't say we didn't prepare you.


If you don't get the "I've been sick" punchline that the Vulcan delivers to the bartender, a dumb earthling who knows nothing about Vulcans, that's OK. We'll explain. The bartender simply wants to know why the Vulcan came into his bar and started a fight, something he would ask anybody who started a fight in his bar, not knowing that starting a fight is something a Vulcan would never do (ha-ha-, a joke within a joke). But the Vulcan, who thinks everybody on Earth knows what the hell a Vulcan is, thanks to Gene Roddenberry, and that the bartender, who is probably used to seeing fights in his bar, is making a snide comment about the Vulcan's performance. Why a peaceful Vulcan would start a fight in a bar is something you'd have to ask Fred Fortune, himself. Now, obviously, the bartender didn't get the joke. Did you?


Watch this video on the Fred Fortune blog